Research database

Displaying 41 - 50 of 100

Lahti, M., Evans, C.B.R., Goodman, G., Cranwell Schmidt, M., & LeCroy, C.W. (2019). Parents as Teachers (PAT) home-visiting intervention: A path to improved academic outcomes, school behavior, and parenting skills. Children and Youth Services Review, 99, 451–460.

Model(s) reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Rating: Does not pass screens
Lanfranchi, A. (2016). Overview of the instruments used in 0-3 ZEPPELIN (2011–2016). Unpublished manuscript.
Model(s) reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Rating: Does not pass screens

LeCroy & Milligan Associates, Inc. (2018). Parents as Teachers home visiting intervention: a quasi-experimental evaluation of academic outcomes, school behavior, and parenting skills. Tucson, AZ.

Model(s) reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Rating: Low

Lewkowitz, A. K., López, J. D., Stein, R. I., Rhoades, J. S., Schulz, R. C., Woolfolk, C. L., … Cahill, A. G. (2018). Effect of a home-based lifestyle intervention on breastfeeding initiation among socioeconomically disadvantaged African American women with overweight or obesity. Breastfeeding Medicine: The Official Journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, 13(6), 418–425.

Model(s) reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Rating: Does not pass screens

Lopez, A., & Bernstein, J. (2016). Parent possible: 2016 Parents as Teachers (PAT) evaluation. Denver, CO: OMNI Institute.

Model(s) reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Rating: Does not pass screens

Marianne, E.G., Kirsten, F., Marianne, V., & Vibeke, L. (2019). Adolescents’ experiences of participating in a weight-loss programme, linked to weight status, health-related quality of life and self-concept: A longitudinal study. Journal of Childhood Obesity, 4(1), 001.

Model(s) reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Rating: Does not pass screens

Matone, M., Kellom, K., Griffis, H., Quarshie, W., Faerber, J., Gierlach, P., … Cronholm, P. F. (2018). A mixed methods evaluation of early childhood abuse prevention within evidence-based home visiting programs. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 22(Suppl. 1), 79–91.

Model(s) reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Rating: Low
McGilly, K., Strube, M., & Winter, M. (2000). Linking neuroscience and education to improve parenting of young children. St. Louis, MO: Parents as Teachers National Center, Inc.
Model(s) reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Rating: Low
McLean, C. (1998). The `best, first teachers.'Alberta Report/Newsmagazine, 25(17), 42.
Model(s) reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Rating: Does not pass screens
Mendoza, J. M. (2008).  Parental beliefs, home learning environment, and school readiness in the Latino population: Does the Parents as Teachers program influence these three variables? Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Greensboro, NC: University of North Carolina, Greensboro.
Model(s) reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Rating: Low