Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting grantees may select one or more of the models listed below for implementation using fiscal year 2024 funds.
Models eligible for Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) funding
These models have met HHS criteria as evidence-based early childhood home visiting service delivery models. This information is based on information provided by the developers but does not constitute a formal review of whether the models are eligible for implementation under MIECHV. A HomVEE designation as an evidence-based model does not guarantee that a model is eligible to be implemented with MIECHV funding.
To be eligible for implementation as an evidence-based model with MIECHV funding, a model must both meet HHS criteria for evidence of effectiveness (as determined by HomVEE) and meet all other statutory requirements for model eligibility (as required by HRSA). Statutory requirements for an evidence-based model to be implemented under MIECHV are that it: “conforms to a clear consistent home visitation model that has been in existence for at least 3 years and is research-based, grounded in relevant empirically-based knowledge, linked to program determined outcomes, associated with a national organization or institution of higher education that has comprehensive home visitation program standards that ensure high quality service delivery and continuous program quality improvement,” among other requirements.
When selecting a model or models for a state or territory, MIECHV grantees must ensure the selection can (1) meet the needs of the identified at-risk communities and/or any specific target populations in statute; (2) provide the best opportunity to achieve meaningful outcomes in benchmark areas and measures; and (3) be implemented effectively with fidelity to the model in the state or territory based on available resources and support from the national model developer. The model(s) selected should also be well-matched to the needs of the state’s or territory’s early childhood system. States or territories may select multiple models for different communities and use a combination of models with a family, avoiding concurrent dual enrollment, to support a continuum of home visiting services that meets families’ specific needs.
In addition, MIECHV's authorizing statute allows awardees to utilize a portion of their MIECHV funding for a model that qualifies as a promising approach. For additional information on the MIECHV Program, please see the first resource link under Resources.