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HomVEE Summary

Home Visiting Evidence of Effectiveness (HomVEE) Fact Sheet

HomVEE systematically reviews the research on early childhood home visiting models that serve families with pregnant women and children from birth to kindergarten. The review determines which models have enough rigorous evidence to be considered evidence-based according to criteria defined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This two-page fact sheet answers basic questions about HomVEE.

Priority Resource   |    February 2025


HomVEE Summary

Early Childhood Home Visiting Models: Reviewing Evidence of Effectiveness

This brief summarizes the latest updates and describes the HomVEE review process and results. It lists the 27 models determined to meet criteria from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for an “evidence-based early childhood home visiting service delivery model.”

Priority Resource   |    November 2024


Methods and Standards

Home Visiting Evidence of Effectiveness (HomVEE) Systematic Review Handbook of Procedures and Evidence Standards: Version 2.2

The revised HomVEE handbook (version 2.2) updates procedures related to reviewing virtual home visiting research, as well as updates to clarify HomVEE’s definition of subgroups, limit the eligibility of certain findings for review, and strengthen standards for validity.

Priority Resource   |    April 2024


Indigenous Peoples and Communities

Assessing the Research on Early Childhood Home Visiting Models Implemented with Tribal Populations

A portion of the federal funds that support home visiting for pregnant women and families with young children are designated specifically for supporting home visiting in tribal communities. Therefore, policymakers and program administrators need to know what research has learned about home visiting in these communities. To assess the evidence of effectiveness of models that have been implemented in tribal communities, HomVEE conducted a targeted systematic review. The review included studies of early childhood home visiting models implemented in tribal communities. This report describes the review process and findings, descriptive information about the models evaluated, and summary conclusions about effectiveness. The appendices provide details about each model, including effectiveness if the model was evaluated in well-designed effectiveness studies. The review was originally released in February 2011; the updated version includes results from research published through September 2021.

Priority Resource   |    November 2022


Methods and Standards

HomVEE Updated Reporting Guide for Study Authors

The author reporting guide, which has been updated from the 2016 version, provides evaluators guidance about how to describe randomized controlled trials and matched comparison group design studies, and report their findings clearly so that systematic reviews can use their results. Reporting the information described in this guide is considered a best practice in general, and the information can help HomVEE reviewers assess the appropriate rating to assign to the study. The latest update clearly identifies the information that HomVEE seeks from evaluators, which will help the project assign prioritization points that determine which early childhood home visiting models are reviewed.

Priority Resource   |    December 2020


Methods and Standards

HomVEE Prioritization Brief

This updated prioritization brief describes how HomVEE determines which models to review. It provides hypothetical examples to illustrate the prioritization process. The update reflects changes introduced in HomVEE’s Version 2.2 handbook.

April 2024


Methods and Standards

Issue Brief: Response to Comments from the Public on Revised HomVEE Procedures and Standards

HomVEE has revised several of the evidence review’s procedures and standards. These revisions were released in the Handbook of the Procedures and Evidence Standards, Version 2.2, which was published in April 2024. To inform this update, HomVEE solicited public comment through its website and mailing list in summer 2023. This new brief summarizes how HomVEE addressed key comments from the public in the final version of the handbook.

April 2024


Methods and Standards

Single-Case Design Research Methods

This brief was developed following responses to the Federal Register notice about HomVEE’s approach to reviewing single-case design (SCD) research (available on this page). The brief is intended to provide general information about what an SCD is and how SCDs can be used to conduct rigorous research. It defines an SCD, illustrates common types of designs, and details the benefits and drawbacks of conducting SCD research.

November 2021


Methods and Standards

Home Visiting Evidence of Effectiveness (HomVEE) Systematic Review Handbook of Procedures and Evidence Standards: Version 2.1

The revised HomVEE Handbook (Version 2.1) has been updated to reflect how the HomVEE review applies standards and criteria from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to single-case design (SCD) research in the home visiting field. Revisions are primarily found in Appendix D: Standards and Reporting Procedures for Single-Case Design Research.

November 2021


Methods and Standards

Federal Register Notice About HomVEE Approach to Reviewing Single-Case Design Research

This Federal Register notice, published in 2021, details clarifications and changes HomVEE proposed to make to procedures and standards related to single-case design research. The final clarifications and changes that HomVEE adopted are available in the Version 2.1 Handbook of Procedures and Standards elsewhere on this site.

March 2021