Frequently Asked Questions

This page compiles responses to frequently asked questions. For more detailed information, please consult the HomVEE Handbook of Procedures and Evidence Standards. If you do not see the information you are looking for, please feel free to email the HomVEE team at:

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Review Process

How are models prioritized and reviewed by HomVEE?

For models that are not yet evidence based (Track 1), HomVEE will select models to review by calculating a prioritization score using a combination of model and manuscript characteristics. Prioritization scoring assigns points based on various factors, including (1) number and design of eligible impact studies, (2) sample sizes and sample characteristics of the impact studies, and (3) characteristics of the model. After a model is selected for review, HomVEE will apply its latest standards to review all research that is unreviewed or was reviewed under prior standards. See the Handbook of Procedures and Evidence Standards located on the Resources page of the website for the most up to date information on these processes.

Models that are already evidence based (Track 2) are updated based on a predetermined schedule instead of using a prioritization process. Previously reviewed research about these models is not re-reviewed for these updates. The purpose of the Track 2 review is to update existing Model Effectiveness Research Reports and Model Implementation Profiles to keep them current; HomVEE does not reassess a model’s evidence rating based on a Track 2 review.

Differences between Track 1 and Track 2: What are Track 1 and Track 2 models, and how are they treated differently?

Track 1 early childhood home visiting models are models that HomVEE has not yet found to be evidence-based. Track 2 models are models that HomVEE has already found to be evidence-based. 

HomVEE treats Track 1 and Track 2 models differently. 

HomVEE reviews Track 1 models to determine if they meet HHS criteria for evidence of effectiveness (see FAQ “How does HomVEE apply HHS criteria for evidence-based early childhood service delivery models?” ). During each review for a Track 1 model, HomVEE re-reviews all previously-reviewed research about that model using the latest HomVEE standards. This may result in changes to a manuscript’s rating or eligibility. If a study manuscript no longer meets standards, HomVEE may remove the findings from the website. Based on the most recent review results, HomVEE determines whether a Track 1 model meets the criteria to be evidence-based. 

HomVEE does not re-review Track 2 models but periodically updates their model reports to include the most recent research. Each update uses the current standards to review new research identified since the last update, but does not re-review research. That means that some research on the HomVEE website about Track 2 models might no longer be eligible for review under the latest procedures and standards. Importantly, HomVEE does not reassess Track 2 models against the HHS criteria when it updates their reports. That means Track 2 models retain their evidence-based status.