Frequently Asked Questions

This page compiles responses to frequently asked questions. For more detailed information, please consult the HomVEE Handbook of Procedures and Evidence Standards. If you do not see the information you are looking for, please feel free to email the HomVEE team at:

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Study Sample

When does HomVEE report subgroup findings?

HomVEE lists the subgroups examined in each high- or moderate-rated manuscript reported on the HomVEE website. However, HomVEE only reports detailed subgroup findings when the subgroup is replicated, meaning that HomVEE has reviewed at least two well-designed studies that analyzed research about a sample with the subgroup characteristic. The Handbook of Procedures and Evidence Standards provides additional information about HomVEE procedures for subgroup research.

HomVEE’s website provides several resources for users that wish to know more about the characteristics of the research samples in a home visiting model’s evidence base. For more information, see FAQ “What information is available on the study samples in HomVEE's research database?”

What information is available on the study samples in HomVEE's research database?

HomVEE’s website provides several resources for users that wish to know more about the characteristics of the research samples in a home visiting model’s evidence base.

Information about individual study manuscripts: HomVEE records and displays information about study settings and participant characteristics for all manuscripts that receive a moderate or high rating. That information is available in the Manuscript Search page for individual manuscripts under the heading Study Participant Characteristics.

Information about a home visiting model: Users can find individual model pages by selecting Search for Models on the home page under the Models drop-down menu or by using the quick search under “Get Started” on the home page. Study settings and participant characteristics are available on a model’s home page under the heading Research Characteristics. These characteristics describe research participants across manuscripts that received a rating of moderate or high.

Why do race and ethnicity totals sum to more than 100 percent for some manuscripts and home visiting models?

HomVEE reports data describing the race and ethnicity of participants in home visiting research in accordance with federal standards. The standards allow for participants in research to select multiple race and ethnicity categories (for example, selecting both White and Hispanic) and for manuscript authors to report that information in a way that may sum to greater than 100 percent.