Frequently Asked Questions

This page compiles responses to frequently asked questions. For more detailed information, please consult the HomVEE Handbook of Procedures and Evidence Standards. If you do not see the information you are looking for, please feel free to email the HomVEE team at:

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Evidence-Based Criteria for Home Visiting Models

How does HomVEE apply HHS criteria for evidence-based early childhood service delivery models?

All research, including research that includes virtual service delivery, is subject to the same standards and procedures. HomVEE groups together all research on a model to apply the HHS criteria unless the model developer indicates that particular manuscripts are research on an adaptation of their model.

HomVEE assesses whether each model meets the HHS criteria for an “evidence-based early childhood service delivery model.” To operationalize the HHS criteria related to studies, and because study findings may be reported across several manuscripts, HomVEE rates manuscripts based on the highest-rated finding reported in that manuscript. Any high- or moderate-rated finding from a study about a model is considered as part of the evidence base for that model. Notably, for models with research solely from either randomized controlled trial (RCT) or single-case design (SCD) studies, additional criteria apply (see the HHS criteria). For example, the additional criteria for RCTs to be from peer-reviewed journal articles and to have sustained findings align with MIECHV Program statutory requirements. The HHS criteria for an evidence-based model have no additional requirements for regression discontinuity design (RDD) or non-experimental comparison group design (NED) studies.

A model may be evidence based on the strength of subgroup findings alone only if the research about it satisfies all of the subgroup criteria.

For details, please see the HHS criteria for evidence-based early childhood home visiting service delivery models.