The HHS criteria flow chart has five decision points. The flow chart describes how HomVEE determines whether a model is evidence based. The flow chart decision points are as follows:
- Are there any manuscripts with a high or moderate rating?
- If yes - forward to 2. Are there favorable and statistically significant findings in at least two outcome domains within one sample or are there favorable findings in the same outcome domain in at least two non-overlapping samples?
- If no - model does not meet the criteria for an evidence-based home visiting model.
- Are there favorable and statistically significant findings in at least two outcome domains within one sample or are there favorable findings in the same outcome domain in at least two non-overlapping samples?
- If yes - forward to 3. Are favorable findings on the full sample?
- If no - model does not meet the criteria for an evidence-based home visiting model.
- Are favorable findings on the full sample?
- If yes - forward to 3c. Are favorable findings used to satisfy the criteria from a randomized controlled trial?
- If no - forward to 3a. Are favorable findings from subgroups?
- Are favorable findings from subgroups?
- If yes - forward to 3b. Are there are least two favorable findings from two or more studies using non-overlapping samples?
- If no - model does not meet the criteria for an evidence-based home visiting model.
- Are there are least two favorable findings from two or more studies using non-overlapping samples?
- If yes - forward to 3c. Are favorable findings used to satisfy the criteria from a randomized controlled trial?
- If no - model does not meet the criteria for an evidence-based home visiting model.
- Are favorable findings used to satisfy the criteria from a randomized controlled trial?
- If yes - forward to 4. Are one or more favorable findings sustained at least 12 months after enrollment?
- If no - model meets criteria for an evidence-based home visiting model.
- Are one or more favorable findings sustained at least 12 months after enrollment?
- If yes - forward to 5. Are one or more favorable findings reported in a peer-reviewed journal?
- If no - model does not meet the criteria for an evidence-based home visiting model.
- Are one or more favorable findings reported in a peer-reviewed journal?
- If yes - model meets criteria for an evidence-based home visiting model.
- If no - model does not meet the criteria for an evidence-based home visiting model.