Save the Children
501 Kings Highway East, Suite 400, Fairfield, CT 06925
Early Steps to School Success™ (Early Steps) is an early childhood development model that serves low-income families with children from birth until the child’s fifth birthday. The model provides twice-monthly home visits for children from birth until the child’s third birthday, parent support groups, referrals to center-based early childhood programs, a book bag exchange to supply families with children’s books, and transition to preschool and kindergarten support. The HomVEE review focuses on the home visiting component of the model (Early Steps-Home Visiting), including other activities facilitated by the home visitor, such as toddler storybook hours, parenting education groups, and family nights. Early Steps-Home Visiting strives to foster children’s school readiness skills, help parents support their children’s growth and development, and facilitate positive parent–school relationships.