Even Start was a federal initiative that offered grants to support local family literacy projects that integrated early childhood education, adult literacy, parenting education, and interactive parent and child literacy activities. The model targeted low-income parents with children from birth through age 7 and parents who were eligible for services under the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act. Even Start programs identified and recruited families most in need of services as indicated by a low level of income, a low level of adult literacy or English language proficiency of the eligible parent or parents, and other need-related indicators. Even Start did not define required model components, but most sites delivered services through a combination of center-based programs, parent groups, and home visits. For the purpose of the HomVEE review, only studies of sites that used home visiting as the primary service delivery method and that included families with children from birth to age 5 were included.
Released in 1979 through 2011
Impact studies rated high or moderate quality
Skip to: Effectiveness Implementation
Where to find out more
There is no contact information available for this model.
This model does not meet criteria established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for an evidence-based home visiting model because there are no high- or moderate-rated effectiveness studies of the model.
Does not meet criteria for an evidence-based home visiting model for Indigenous peoples and communities.
Extent of Evidence
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For more information on the criteria used to rate research, please see details of HomVEEʼs methods and standards.
Released in 1979 through 2011
Eligible for review
Impact studies rated high or moderate quality
Note: A detailed model profile is not available for this model. HomVEE only publishes detailed model summaries and implementation profiles for reviewed models that have well-designed research (high- or moderate-quality rating) according to HomVEE’s published procedures and standards.