First Born® Program

Model effectiveness research report last updated: 2023


Evidence of model effectiveness

Title General population Tribal population Domains with favorable effects
First Born® Program Does not meet HHS criteria because there are no high- or moderate-rated effectiveness studies of the model. Does not meet HHS criteria for tribal population because the model has not been evaluated with a tribal population.
  • Not applicable,

Model description

The First Born® Program offers universal home visiting services to all families. Services begin prenatally or within two months of birth and continue until the child is age 36 months. The model is designed to promote child development and school readiness; reduce rates of child abuse and neglect and domestic violence; and improve maternal and child health and family economic self-sufficiency. Home visitors meet with families multiple times per month to provide coaching and support, screening and assessment, and service coordination. The First Born Core Curriculum guides the visits and provides information about early childhood development, health, nutrition, and safety. 

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Extent of evidence

First Born® Program

2 Manuscripts

Eligible for review

0 Manuscripts

Rated high or

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Summary of findings

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Criteria established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This model has no manuscripts that report high- or moderate-rated findings and therefore does not meet HHS criteria for an evidence-based early childhood home visiting service delivery model.

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Where to find out more

First Born® Program
Institute for Innovative Family Programs

Phone: 505-428-1344

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