HealthConnect One's® Community-Based Doula Program


Not an evidence-based model
More information below

Not MIECHV eligible


Released in 1979 through 2014


Impact studies rated high or moderate quality

Services intended at ages
0-6 months
Favorable results from well-designed research
Not applicable

HealthConnect One (HC One) provides training, technical assistance, accreditation, and evaluation services to sites implementing the Community-Based Doula Program. The model was first implemented in 1996 as a four-year pilot in Chicago, under the name the Chicago Doula Project, and is now being replicated nationwide. HC One assists replication sites in adapting the essential components of the model to their existing program structure. Replication sites may refer to their programs using local names. The Community-Based Doula Program connects underserved, low-income pregnant women to doulas, members of the local community trained to provide support during pregnancy, delivery, and the early postpartum period. The program’s overall goals are to enhance infant health, strengthen families, and establish family supports. The program uses a range of service delivery methods to support women. The HomVEE review is based on Community-Based Doula Programs in which home visiting was the primary service delivery strategy. During prenatal home visits, doulas assess families’ needs and strengths, help them develop a birth plan, promote positive health behaviors, and facilitate access to prenatal care and other resources. Postpartum visits focus on supporting breastfeeding; fostering positive parent-child interactions; providing information on infant development, care, and safety; and referring mothers to community resources to address other health or environmental concerns. HC One recommends a minimum of six prenatal and eight postpartum visits. 

Where to find out more


This model does not meet criteria established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for an evidence-based home visiting model because there are no high- or moderate-rated effectiveness studies of the model.

Does not meet criteria for an evidence-based home visiting model for Indigenous peoples and communities.

Extent of Evidence

For more information about manuscripts, search the research database.

For more information on the criteria used to rate research, please see details of HomVEEʼs methods and standards.


Released in 1979 through 2014


Eligible for review


Impact studies rated high or moderate quality

Note: A detailed model profile is not available for this model. HomVEE only publishes detailed model summaries and implementation profiles for reviewed models that have well-designed research (high- or moderate-quality rating) according to HomVEE’s published procedures and standards.