Family Development Resources, Inc.
PO Box 982350
Park City, UT 84098
The Nurturing Parenting Programs target families with children from the prenatal period to age 18 who are at risk for child abuse or neglect. There are five general Nurturing Parenting Programs that specifically target children during the prenatal period or from birth to age 5 and that can be delivered primarily in the home: (1) Nurturing Program for Prenatal Families; (2) Nurturing Program for Parents and their Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers; (3) Nurturing Program for Teen Parents and their Children; (4) Nurturing Skills for Families Program; and (5) Nurturing Skills for Teen Parents Program. In all five programs, home visitors engage in activities to promote positive parenting skills, self-nurturing, and child brain development. Depending on the model selected, the home-based-only model for adult and teen parents and their infants, toddlers, and preschoolers contains up to 55 home sessions each lasting 1.5 hours. The home-based programs have been adapted for several special populations, including military families, Hispanic families, and families with children with special needs and health challenges.