Philani Outreach Programme

Model effectiveness research report last updated: 2014


Evidence of model effectiveness

Title General population Tribal population Domains with favorable effects
Philani Outreach Programme Does not meet HHS criteria because there are no high- or moderate-rated effectiveness studies of the model. Does not meet HHS criteria for tribal population because there are no high- or moderate-rated effectiveness studies of the model implemented with a tribal population.
  • Not applicable,

Model description

The Philani Outreach Programme is a home visiting program based in South Africa that aims to improve child and maternal nutrition and health and prevent the mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Among those living in South Africa’s informal settlements, the program targets all pregnant women; malnourished children; and children at risk of malnutrition, abuse, neglect or HIV/ AIDS. Outreach workers, also called mentor mothers, conduct the home visits. Outreach workers are from the local communities and have successfully raised well-nourished, healthy children despite living in poverty. They identify and invite eligible families to participate, focusing on health issues, coping skills, and available resources. The outreach workers also refer children who need additional medical attention to the local medical clinics.

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Extent of evidence

Philani Outreach Programme

4 Manuscripts

Eligible for review

0 Manuscripts

Rated high or

For more information, read the research database. For more information on the criteria used to rate research, please see details of HomVEE’s methods and standards.

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Summary of findings

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Criteria established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This model has no manuscripts that report high- or moderate-rated findings and therefore does not meet HHS criteria for an evidence-based early childhood home visiting service delivery model.

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Where to find out more

Nokwanele Mbewu, Senior Coordinator
Philani Child Health & Nutrition Project
P.O. Box 40188
Cape Town, 7791
South Africa

Phone: 021-387-5124
Fax: 021-387-5107

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