Promoting First Relationships®—Home Visiting Promotion Model


Not an evidence-based model
More information below

Not MIECHV eligible


Released in 1979 through 2020


Impact studies rated high or moderate quality

Services intended at ages
0-6 months
7-11 months
12-23 months
24-35 months
36-47 months
48+ months
Favorable results from well-designed research
Not applicable

Promoting First Relationships (PFR) includes two versions that are used with parents in the home: (1) PFR-Home Visiting Promotion Model and (2) PFR-Home Visiting Intervention Model. The only difference between the versions is that in the PFR-Home Visiting Intervention Model, home visitors must have a master’s degree. PFR can also be used one-on-one with parents in a health clinic and with caregivers responsible for group child care. PFR seeks to promote children’s social-emotional development by helping parents read and understand children’s cues and the unmet needs behind challenging behaviors, and supporting parents’ use of sensitive and responsive caregiving behaviors. PFR serves parents of children from birth through age 5 years. A trained home visitor video records the parent interacting with their child at home, and the home visitor and parent view and reflect on the recordings. In addition, PFR provides parents with information, including handouts, on the social and emotional needs of young children, and strategies to meet these needs. PFR provides weekly hour-long home visits for 10 to 14 weeks but can be extended based on a family’s needs.

Where to find out more


University of Washington
1705 NE Pacific Street, Health Sciences Building F-346, Box 357231, Seattle, WA 98195

(206) 616-5380
(206) 543-8528


This model does not meet criteria established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for an evidence-based home visiting model because there are no high- or moderate-rated effectiveness studies of the model.

Does not meet criteria for an evidence-based home visiting model for Indigenous peoples and communities.

Extent of Evidence

For more information about manuscripts, search the research database.

For more information on the criteria used to rate research, please see details of HomVEEʼs methods and standards.


Released in 1979 through 2020


Eligible for review


Impact studies rated high or moderate quality

Note: A detailed model profile is not available for this model. HomVEE only publishes detailed model summaries and implementation profiles for reviewed models that have well-designed research (high- or moderate-quality rating) according to HomVEE’s published procedures and standards.