Manuscript Details

Sanders, M. R. & Glynn, T. (1981). Training parents in behavioral self-management: An analysis of generalization and maintenance. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 14(3), 223-223.

Does not pass screens
Screening conclusion: Ineligible comparison
Study reviewed under: Handbook of Procedures and Standards, Version 1
Notes from the review of this manuscript

The results from single-case design studies with a high or moderate rating are not factored into whether a model meets the HHS criteria unless additional criteria are met. Please read the HHS criteria for evidence-based models for more information.

The study included multiple components of this parenting training program. The HomVEE review focused on the Instructions + Feedback component, which was the only one adjacent to a phase that included no Triple P components (the model developers later renamed Instructions + Feedback as Child Management Training). The other phases were not reviewed for impacts.