Manuscript Details


Sanders, M. R., & Dadds, M. R. (1982). The effects of planned activities and child management procedures in parent training: An analysis of setting generality. Behavior Therapy, 13, 452-461.

Does not pass screens
Author Affiliation

The first author is the developer of this model.

Funding Sources

The study was supported by a grant from the University of Queensland’s Mayne Bequest Fund (No. 578862 R Psychiatry MBF).

Study Design

Design Attrition Baseline equivalence Confounding factors Valid, reliable measures?
Single-case design Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

The HomVEE review focuses on the Child Management Training component, which was the only one adjacent to a phase that included no Triple P components. The other phases were not reviewed for impacts.

The results from single-case design studies with a high or moderate rating are not factored into whether a model meets the HHS criteria unless additional criteria are met. Please read the HHS criteria for evidence-based models for more information.

Study Participants

Participants included five families in which parents had difficulty managing a preschool-age child. All families were Caucasian. In four families, both the mother and father participated in the program. In the fifth family, a single mother participated. Target children were male and were 4 years old, on average.



Home Visiting Services

There were two components of this parent training program: Child Management Training (CMT) and Planned Activities Training (PAT). The CMT component was reviewed for impacts, but the PAT component was not.

During CMT, therapists met with each family in the home to instruct parents in behavior management procedures to use when their children engaged in deviant behaviors such as demanding, aggression, tantrums, interrupting, and whining. Through verbal instruction and role play, the therapists taught parents to use the following behavior correction procedure: (1) get the child’s attention; (2) calmly explain what the child has done wrong; (3) describe the correct behavior and prompt the child; (4) prompt the child again if needed; (5) praise the child if he or she behaves correctly; and (6) if the child continues to behave incorrectly, deliver a firm instruction describing the incorrect behavior and use a response cost contingency (for example, removal of a toy accompanied by an explanation).

After this instructional visit, independent observers visited the home or the generalization setting (community locations such as day care centers, shops, or friends’ houses) about three times per week during times that parents reported child behavior problems were most common, and recorded behaviors that they reported back to the therapist.

Therapists then conducted twice-weekly, 10-minute feedback sessions following observations in the training setting on the parents’ use and accuracy of behavior management skills procedures, based on observers’ reports. The therapist also provided parents with written feedback on the percentage of the time the observer recorded appropriate child behavior, parents’ use of praise statements and instruction, and parents’ fidelity to procedures.

Comparison Conditions

Within the multiple baseline format, baseline observations were conducted in the family home and generalization settings.

Were any subgroups examined?
Study Participants

Participants included five families in which parents had difficulty managing a preschool-age child. All families were Caucasian. In four families, both the mother and father participated in the program. In the fifth family, a single mother participated. Target children were male and were 4 years old, on average.



Home Visiting Services

There were two components of this parent training program: Child Management Training (CMT) and Planned Activities Training (PAT). The CMT component was reviewed for impacts, but the PAT component was not.

During CMT, therapists met with each family in the home to instruct parents in behavior management procedures to use when their children engaged in deviant behaviors such as demanding, aggression, tantrums, interrupting, and whining. Through verbal instruction and role play, the therapists taught parents to use the following behavior correction procedure: (1) get the child’s attention; (2) calmly explain what the child has done wrong; (3) describe the correct behavior and prompt the child; (4) prompt the child again if needed; (5) praise the child if he or she behaves correctly; and (6) if the child continues to behave incorrectly, deliver a firm instruction describing the incorrect behavior and use a response cost contingency (for example, removal of a toy accompanied by an explanation).

After this instructional visit, independent observers visited the home or the generalization setting (community locations such as day care centers, shops, or friends’ houses) about three times per week during times that parents reported child behavior problems were most common, and recorded behaviors that they reported back to the therapist.

Therapists then conducted twice-weekly, 10-minute feedback sessions following observations in the training setting on the parents’ use and accuracy of behavior management skills procedures, based on observers’ reports. The therapist also provided parents with written feedback on the percentage of the time the observer recorded appropriate child behavior, parents’ use of praise statements and instruction, and parents’ fidelity to procedures.

Comparison Conditions

Within the multiple baseline format, baseline observations were conducted in the family home and generalization settings.

Were any subgroups examined?

Findings that rate moderate or high in this manuscript

No findings found that rate moderate or high.

This study included participants with the following characteristics at enrollment:


The race and ethnicity categories may sum to more than 100 percent if Hispanic ethnicity was reported separately or respondents could select two or more race or ethnicity categories.


Maternal Education

Data not available

Other Characteristics

Indigenous population