Madden, J., O'Hara, J., & Levenstein, P. (1984). Home again: Effects of the Mother-Child Home Program on mother and child. Child Development, 55(2), 636–647.
Navigate to model page for more information about the home visiting model.
This manuscript was previously reviewed by HomVEE and received a high rating under Version 1 standards. When HomVEE re-reviewed this model in 2024, the manuscript was not within the 20-year eligibility window under Version 2 standards. Therefore, according to published HomVEE standards, it was no longer eligible for review.
Navigate to model page for more information about the home visiting model.
Findings that rate moderate or high in this manuscript
No findings found that rate moderate or high.
This study included participants with the following characteristics at enrollment:
Maternal Education
Other Characteristics