Geib, V. (2009). Niedrigschwellige Familienbildungsprogramme für Familien mit igrationshintergrund: Ein Überblick über innovative Angebote der Elternbildung und frühkindlichen Förderung mit einer empirischen Analyse des Hausbesuchsprogramms HIPPY [Low-threshold family programs for families with migration background: An overview of innovative offers for parental education and early childhood support including an empirical analysis of the home education program HIPPY]. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Wuerzburg-Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
Model(s) Reviewed
Study Design
Design | Attrition | Baseline equivalence | Confounding factors | Valid, reliable measures? |
Design unclear or unknown |
No details available
Findings that rate moderate or high in this manuscript
No findings found that rate moderate or high.
This study included participants with the following characteristics at enrollment:
Maternal Education
Other Characteristics