Manuscript Details

DuMont, K., Kirkland, K., Mitchell-Herzfeld, S., Ehrhard-Dietzel, S., Rodriguez, M. L., Lee, E., ... & Greene, R. (2010). A randomized trial of Healthy Families New York (HFNY): Does home visiting prevent child maltreatment? Rensselaer, NY: New York State Office of Children & Family Services and Albany, NY: University of Albany, State University of New York.

High rating
Study reviewed under: Handbook of Procedures and Standards, Version 1
Study design characteristics contributing to rating
Design Attrition Baseline equivalence Confounding factors? Valid, reliable measures?
Randomized controlled trial Low

Established on race/ethnicity.


Not assessed in manuscripts reviewed under Handbook of Procedures and Standards, Version 1
Notes from the review of this manuscript

In 2020, HomVEE updated this review to move the measures of withdrawn depressed, anxious depressed, and social problems (Child Behavior Checklist) from the Child Health domain to the Child Development and School Readiness domain because ACF determined that HomVEE should place all child mental and behavioral health outcomes in the Child Development and School Readiness domain. 

High rating applies to all outcomes except those with baseline differences that were not controlled. The moderate rating applies to the following outcomes: biological mother confirmed subject–sexual abuse, target child confirmed victim–sexual abuse, and nonviolent discipline prevalence (CTS-PC)

Child Development and School Readiness
Outcome Measure Timing of Follow-Up Rating Direction of Effect Effect Size (Absolute Value) Stastical Significance Sample Size Sample Description
Aggressive behaviors (CBCL) 7 year High
0.04 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 897 mothers New York sample
Anxious, depressed (CBCL) 7 year High
0.03 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 897 mothers New York sample
Attention problems (CBCL) 7 year High
0.01 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 897 mothers New York sample
Percentage participating in a gifted program 7 year High
Statistically significant, p < 0.05 897 mothers New York sample
Percentage receiving remedial services 7 year High
Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 897 mothers New York sample
Percentage receiving special education 7 year High
Statistically significant, p < 0.05 897 mothers New York sample
Percentage repeating a grade 7 year High
Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 897 mothers New York sample
Percentage skipping school more than once 7 year High
Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 897 mothers New York sample
Rule-breaking behavior (CBCL) 7 year High
0.03 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 897 mothers New York sample
Social problems (CBCL) 7 year High
0.04 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 897 mothers New York sample
Withdrawn, depressed (CBCL) 7 year High
0.04 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 897 mothers New York sample
Effect rating key
Favorable finding / Statistically significant
Unfavorable finding / Statistically significant
Ambiguous finding / Statistically significant
No effect / Not statistically significant
Reductions In Child Maltreatment
Outcome Measure Timing of Follow-Up Rating Direction of Effect Effect Size (Absolute Value) Stastical Significance Sample Size Sample Description
Biological mother confirmed subject—neglect, cumulative rate 7 year High
Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 1173 mothers New York sample
Biological mother confirmed subject—physical abuse, cumulative rate 7 year High
Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 1173 mothers New York sample
Biological mother confirmed subject—sexual abuse, cumulative rate 7 year High
Statistically significant, p < 0.05 1173 mothers New York sample
Biological mother confirmed subject, cumulative number 7 year High
0.00 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 1173 mothers New York sample
Biological mother or target child confirmed subject or victim of CPS report, cumulative number 7 year High
0.01 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 1173 mothers New York sample
Biological mother or target child confirmed subject or victim of CPS report, cumulative rate 7 year High
Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 1173 mothers New York sample
Foster care placement—target child, cumulative rate 7 year High
Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 1173 mothers New York sample
Minor physical aggression frequency(CTS-PC) 7 year High
0.02 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 897 mothers New York sample
Minor physical aggression prevalence(CTS-PC) 7 year High
Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 897 mothers New York sample
Neglect frequency(CTS-PC) 7 year High
0.05 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 897 mothers New York sample
Neglect prevalence(CTS-PC) 7 year High
Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 897 mothers New York sample
Non-violent discipline frequency(CTS-PC) 7 year High
0.14 Statistically significant, p < 0.05 897 mothers New York sample
Non-violent discipline prevalence)(CTS-PC) 7 year High
Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 897 mothers New York sample
Psychological aggression frequency(CTS-PC) 7 year High
0.01 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 897 mothers New York sample
Psychological aggression prevalence(CTS-PC) 7 year High
Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 897 mothers New York sample
Serious physical abuse frequency(CTS-PC) 7 year High
0.20 Statistically significant, p < 0.05 897 mothers New York sample
Serious physical aggressionprevalence (CTS-PC) 7 year High
Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 897 mothers New York sample
Target child confirmed victim—neglect, cumulative rate 7 year High
Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 1173 mothers New York sample
Target child confirmed victim—physical abuse, cumulative rate 7 year High
Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 1173 mothers New York sample
Target child confirmed victim—sexual abuse, cumulative rate 7 year High
Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 1173 mothers New York sample
Target child confirmed victim, cumulative number 7 year High
0.02 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05 1173 mothers New York sample
Effect rating key
Favorable finding / Statistically significant
Unfavorable finding / Statistically significant
Ambiguous finding / Statistically significant
No effect / Not statistically significant

This study included participants with the following characteristics at enrollment:


The race and ethnicity categories may sum to more than 100 percent if Hispanic ethnicity was reported separately or respondents could select two or more race or ethnicity categories.

Black or African American
Hispanic or Latino

Maternal Education

Less than a high school diploma
High school diploma or GED

Other Characteristics

Enrollment in means-tested programs

This study included participants from the following locations:

  • New York
Study Participants

Community agencies, including prenatal care providers and hospitals, screened expectant parents and parents with an infant younger than three months of age who lived in high-risk target areas and who were considered to be at risk for child abuse or neglect. Women were selected for the study following the same screening and assessment procedures used to determine eligibility for Healthy Families New York (HFNY). Family assessment workers (FAWs) obtained informed consent from women before the administration of a well-established risk assessment tool. In total 1,254 mothers were randomly assigned (intervention, n = 621; control, n = 633), and 1,173 mothers (intervention, n = 579; control, n = 594) completed baseline interviews. Thirty-four percent of the mothers were white, non-Latina; 45 percent were African American, non-Latina; and 18 percent were Latina.


This study took place in three sites within the HFNY home visiting program.

Intervention condition
Comparison Conditions

The control group was given information on and received referrals to appropriate services other than home visiting.

Subgroups examined

• Maternal age and parity (primiparous and age less than 20 years) • Child maltreatment (mother has at least one substantiated child protective services report)

Author Affiliation

None of the study authors are developers of this model.

Funding Sources

This research was supported by Award No: 2006-MU-MU-0002 awarded by the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice.