Manuscript Details


Holmberg, John; Luckey, Dennis; Olds, David. (2011) Teacher data for the Denver Year-9 follow-up. Unpublished report submitted to the U.S. Department of Justice.

High rating
Study reviewed under: Handbook of Procedures and Standards, Version 1

Note: Navigate to model page for more information about the home visiting model. See the study manuscript for more information about how the model was implemented in this study.

Author Affiliation

David L. Olds, a study author, is a developer of this model.

Funding Sources

Not specified.

Study Design

Design Attrition Baseline equivalence Confounding factors Valid, reliable measures?
Randomized controlled trial Low

Established on race/ethnicity and SES


Not assessed in manuscripts reviewed under Handbook of Procedures and Standards, Version 1

This study received a mixed rating. Some outcomes rate high, others moderate, and still others low. For the low psychological resources subgroup, we were unable to determine attrition and if the baseline information provided corresponds to the analytic sample, so the outcomes for the low psychological resources subgroup rate low. For paraprofessional versus control comparison in the whole sample, the study rates high because there is low attrition and demonstration of baseline equivalence on race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status (SES). For the nurse versus control comparison in the whole sample, most of the outcomes had high attrition, but baseline equivalence was established on race/ethnicity and SES, so these outcomes rate moderate. Within the nurse versus control comparison in the whole sample, there are two outcomes for which attrition is low, and these outcomes rate high. 

Study Participants

Women were recruited through 21 antepartum clinics that served low-income pregnant women. Recruitment focused on women who had no previous live births and either qualified for Medicaid or had no private health insurance. From March 1994 to June 1995, 1,178 women were invited to participate and 735 consented and were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: a control group, nurse home visiting, and paraprofessional home visiting. Randomization was conducted within strata based on maternal race (Hispanic, white, black, American Indian, or Asian); maternal gestational age (fewer than 32 weeks, 32 weeks or more); and geographic region. This study augments the data collection procedures of the Denver trial of the NFP . The authors conducted follow-up evaluations with interviews and direct tests of the children on 575 families.


Denver, Colorado metropolitan area

Home Visiting Services

The study included two program groups: one serviced by paraprofessionals and one serviced by nurses. Women assigned to either group received developmental screening and referral services for their children and home visits during pregnancy and infancy (until the child was 2 years old). Both groups had the same goals: (1) to improve women’s health-related behaviors, (2) to support parents in providing competent care, and (3) to encourage planning future pregnancies and promote education and employment. Paraprofessionals conducted 6.3 home visits, on average, during pregnancy and 16 visits during infancy. Nurses conducted 6.5 home visits, on average, during pregnancy and 21 visits during infancy.

Note: Navigate to model page for more information about the home visiting model. See the study manuscript for more information about how the model was implemented in this study.

Comparison Conditions

Women in the comparison group received developmental screening and referral services for their children at 6, 12, 15, 21, and 24 months.

Subgroups examined

• Mother has psychological vulnerability (yes or no)

Findings that rate moderate or high in this manuscript

Child development and school readiness
Outcome measure Timing of follow-up Rating Direction of Effect Effect size (absolute value) Stastical significance Sample size Sample description

Reading Grades: Parent Report

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.62

375 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Nurse vs. Control

Math Grades: Parent Report

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.32

374 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Nurse vs. Control

Current grade placement

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.57

304 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Nurse vs. Control

Reading Grades: School Report

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.8

294 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Nurse vs. Control

Math Grades: Parent Report

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.32

374 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Nurse vs. Control

Math Grades: School Report

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.24

295 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Nurse vs. Control

Learning support services: hrs/week

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.83

294 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Nurse vs. Control

Times sent to Principal's office

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.85

308 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Nurse vs. Control

CBCL Internalizing - Dual Rater Clinical

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.1

302 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Nurse vs. Control

CBCL Externalizing - Dual Rater Clinical

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.26

303 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Nurse vs. Control

CBCL Total - Dual Rater Clinical

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.47

302 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Nurse vs. Control

ASPD Total Score - borderline/clinical

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.59

310 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Nurse vs. Control

Special Education school report

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.42

294 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Nurse vs. Control

Current grade placement

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.13

321 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Paraprofessional vs. Control

Reading Grades: Parent Report

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.47

391 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Paraprofessional vs. Control

Reading Grades: School Report

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.14

307 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Paraprofessional vs. Control

Math Grades: Parent Report

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.16

391 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Paraprofessional vs. Control

Math Grades: School Report

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.15

305 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Paraprofessional vs. Control

Learning support services: hrs/week

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.4

309 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Paraprofessional vs. Control

Times sent to Principal"s office

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.18

326 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Paraprofessional vs. Control

CBCL Internalizing - Dual Rater Clinical

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.9

317 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Paraprofessional vs. Control

CBCL Externalizing - Dual Rater Clinical

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.33

320 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Paraprofessional vs. Control

CBCL Total - Dual Rater Clinical

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.94

317 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Paraprofessional vs. Control

ASPD Total Score - borderline/clinical

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.37

328 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Paraprofessional vs. Control

Special Education school report

Age 9 follow-up


p-value = 0.98

308 mothers

Denver Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Paraprofessional vs. Control

Effect rating key
Favorable finding / Statistically significant
Unfavorable finding / Statistically significant
Ambiguous finding / Statistically significant
No effect / Not statistically significant