Manuscript Details

Dadds, M. R., Sanders, M. R., & James, J. E. (1987). The generalization of treatment effects in parent training with multidistressed parents. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 15(04), 289-313.

Does not pass screens
Study reviewed under: Handbook of Procedures and Standards, Version 1
Author Affiliation

The second author is the developer of this model.

Funding Sources

The study appears to be affiliated with the University of Queensland. No other information is provided.

Study Design
Design Attrition Baseline equivalence Confounding factors Valid, reliable measures?
Single-case design Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not assessed in manuscripts reviewed under Handbook of Procedures and Standards, Version 1

The HomVEE review focused on the Child Management Training component, which was the only one in both studies in this publication that was adjacent to a phase that included no Triple P components. The other phases were not reviewed for impacts. This rating focuses on Study 1 of 2 in the publication. Study 2 of 2 did not pass the screening criteria for the review because the delivery of Child Management Training (two clinic sessions and two home-based sessions) was not delivered primarily in home visits.

Study stated that “Interobserver reliabilities were calculated on 33% of the observations for each category of child behavior” (p. 294). We assumed that these observations were distributed relatively equally across phases. This study received a mixed rating. With at least 5 data points per phase, the portion of the study in the generalization setting rated high. With at least 3 (but not 5) data points per phase, the portion of the study in the training setting rated moderate.

The results from single-case design studies with a high or moderate rating are not factored into whether a model meets the HHS criteria unless additional criteria are met. Please read the HHS criteria for evidence-based models for more information.

Findings that rate moderate or high in this manuscript

No findings found that rate moderate or high.

Study Participants

Six Caucasian families with a target child presenting behavioral problems were included; individual children served as the units of analysis. All target children were boys ages 3 to 5 years. Three families had single mothers and three had intact marriages. The mean age was 31 years for mothers and 33 years for fathers. Families were eligible if (1) the mother was a single parent, experiencing marital problems, or lacked support from family and friends; (2) at least one child in the family (the target child) exhibited a conduct or oppositional disorder according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 3rd edition (DSM III) criteria; (3) the target child did not exhibit an organic pathology associated with the behavioral disorder and was ages 3 to 7; (4) neither parents nor children exhibited a psychiatric pathology beyond the behavioral disorder nor any associated marital or family discord; (5) no family member was receiving other psychological treatment; and (6) the family was willing to participate in the study.


The study was conducted in Queensland, Australia.

Home Visiting Services

The focus of the review was Child Management Training. Therapists delivered nine training sessions, including seven devoted to providing feedback in the families’ homes. During these sessions, they explained that children’s behavior is learned, so parents can help teach their children new ways of behaving. They gave parents examples of how to use descriptive praise and contingent consequences to increase positive behavior, which parents rehearsed with the therapist. Therapists also explained and helped parents rehearse a six-step behavior correction routine.

During the seven hour-long weekly feedback sessions in families’ homes, the therapists observed parent-child and parent-parent interactions and then provided verbal feedback to the parent about how he or she implemented the behavior correction procedure. Parents also discussed any problems they experienced with the behavior corrections. Written materials detailing the correct use of time out and other procedures were provided. Simultaneously, an independent observer recorded incidences of specific parent and child behaviors, to measure the outcome of the services.

Comparison Conditions

Baseline observations were conducted before instruction in the use of Child Management Training.

Were any subgroups examined?

This study included participants with the following characteristics at enrollment:


The race and ethnicity categories may sum to more than 100 percent if Hispanic ethnicity was reported separately or respondents could select two or more race or ethnicity categories.


Maternal Education

Data not available

Other Characteristics

Indigenous population