Manuscript Details

Yagmur, S., Mesman, J., Malda, M., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M., & Ekmekci, H. (2014). Video-feedback intervention increases sensitive parenting in ethnic minority mothers: A randomized control trial. Attachment & Human Development, 16(4), 371-386. doi:10.1080/14616734.2014.912489

Low rating
Study reviewed under: Handbook of Procedures and Standards, Version 2
Study design characteristics contributing to rating
Design Attrition Baseline equivalence Confounding factors? Valid, reliable measures?
Randomized controlled trial High

Established on baseline measures of the outcome(s); not established on race/ethnicity or SES in the analyzed sample


Measure validity and reliability is not assessed for findings that receive a low evidence rating; all findings in this manuscript rate low