Julian, M. M., Muzik, M., Jester, J. M., Handelzalts, J., Erickson, N., Stringer, M., Brophy-Herb, H., Ribaudo, J., Huth-Bocks, A., Lawler, J., Stacks, A., Rosenblum, K. L., & Michigan Collaborative for Infant Mental Health Research. (2021). Relationships heal: Reducing harsh parenting and child abuse potential with relationship-based parent-infant home visiting. Children and Youth Services Review, 128, Article 106135. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2021.106135
Model(s) Reviewed
Navigate to model page for more information about the home visiting model.
Study Design
Findings that rate moderate or high in this manuscript
No findings found that rate moderate or high.
Model(s) Reviewed
Navigate to model page for more information about the home visiting model.
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