Research Database
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Displaying 11 - 20 of 44
Harvan, J. S. H. (2001). The relationship between child, family, and treatment variables and family functioning in abusive and neglectful families. (University of Georgia; 0077 Advisor: Director Kevin DeWeaver). Dissertation Abstracts International, 62 (09A), 365-3187. (AAI3025306)
Model(s) Reviewed: HOMEBUILDERS (Birth to Age 5)®
Walton, E. (1991). The reunification of children with their families: A test of intensive family treatment following out-of-home placement (family reunification, foster care). (University of Utah; 0240 Advisor: Chair: Mark W. Fraser). Dissertation Abstracts International, 52 (06A), 260-2289. (AAG9133658)
Model(s) Reviewed: HOMEBUILDERS (Birth to Age 5)®
Kirk, R. S., & Griffith, D. P. (2008). Impact of intensive family preservation services on disproportionality of out-of-home placement of children of color in one state’s child welfare system. Child Welfare: Journal of Policy, Practice, and Program, 87(5), 87–105.
Model(s) Reviewed: HOMEBUILDERS (Birth to Age 5)®