Research Database


Intervention delivered in non-English language

Displaying 231 - 240 of 2490
Tao, F., & Arriola, C. (1997). Special analysis of tribal Even Start projects data. Even Start information system. Arlington, VA: Fu Associated, Ltd.

Model(s) Reviewed: Even Start-Home Visiting (Birth to Age 5)

Johnson, R. L., Willeke, M. J., & Steiner, D. J. (1998). Stakeholder collaboration in the design and implementation of a family literacy portfolio assessment. American Journal of Evaluation, 19(3), 339–353.

Model(s) Reviewed: Even Start-Home Visiting (Birth to Age 5)

Roth, J. (1996, April). The home visit as a teaching event: Lessons from eight Even Start Family Literacy sites. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York.

Model(s) Reviewed: Even Start-Home Visiting (Birth to Age 5)

St. Pierre, R., Swartz, J., Gamse, B., Murray, S., Deck, D., & Nickel, P. (1995). National evaluation of the Even Start Family Literacy program: Final report. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of the Under Secretary, Planning and Evaluation Service.

Model(s) Reviewed: Even Start-Home Visiting (Birth to Age 5)

RMC Research Corporation. (2001). Guide to Quality: Even Start Family Literacy program, volume I (revised). Portsmouth, NH: Author.

Model(s) Reviewed: Even Start-Home Visiting (Birth to Age 5)

McCarthy, M., Noonan, M., & Gamse, B. (1998). Exploring differences in year-round and traditional calendar Even Start projects. Cambridge, MA: Abt Associates.

Model(s) Reviewed: Even Start-Home Visiting (Birth to Age 5)

Pierre, R., & Swartz, J. P. (1996). The Even Start Family Literacy program: Early implementation. Cambridge, MA: Abt Associates

Model(s) Reviewed: Even Start-Home Visiting (Birth to Age 5)

St. Pierre, R., Ricciuti, A., & Creps, C. (2000). Synthesis of local and state Even Start evaluations. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education.

Model(s) Reviewed: Even Start-Home Visiting (Birth to Age 5)

Levin, M., Gamse, B., Swartz, J., Tao, F., & Tarr, H. (1997). National evaluation of the Even Start Family Literacy program: Report on migrant Even Start projects. Bethesda, MD: Abt Associates and Fu Associates.

Model(s) Reviewed: Even Start-Home Visiting (Birth to Age 5)

Gamse, B. C., Conger, D., Elson, D., & McCarthy, M. (1997). Follow-up study of families in the Even Start in-depth study: Final report. Cambridge, MA: Abt Associates.

Model(s) Reviewed: Even Start-Home Visiting (Birth to Age 5)