Pennington, M., Sanders Jr., D., Sanders III, D., Kilmer, A., Smith, P., & Illback, R. J. (2007). Attrition within home visiting programs. Louisville, KY: REACH of Louisville.
Research database
Displaying 1761 - 1770 of 2490
Model(s) reviewed: Health Access Nurturing Development Services (HANDS) Program
Pereira, M., Negrão, M., Soares, I., & Mesman, J. (2014). Decreasing harsh discipline in mothers at risk for maltreatment: A randomized control trial. Infant Mental Health Journal, 35(6), 604–613.
Model(s) reviewed: Video-Feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting–Sensitive Discipline® (VIPP–SD)
Pereira, M., Negrão, M., Soares, I., & Mesman, J. (2014). Decreasing harsh discipline in mothers at risk for maltreatment: A randomized control trial. Infant Mental Health Journal, 35(6), 604–613.
Model(s) reviewed: Video-Feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting–Sensitive Discipline® (VIPP–SD)
Peterson, C. A., Dooley, L. J., & Fan, L. (2018). Home visiting programs: Supporting relationships and healthy development. YC Young Children, 73(4), 36–41.
Model(s) reviewed: Healthy Families America (HFA)®
Peterson, C. A., Luze, G. J., Eshbaugh, E. M., Jeon, H., & Kantz, K. R. (2007). Enhancing parent-child interactions through home visiting: Promising practice or unfulfilled promise? Journal of Early Intervention, 29(2), 119–140.
Model(s) reviewed: Early Head Start—Home-based option
Peterson, C. A., Wall, S., Jeon, H., Swanson, M. E., Carta, J. J., Luze, G. J., & Eshbaugh, E. (2013). Identification of disabilities and service receipt among preschool children living in poverty. Journal of Special Education, 47(1), 28-40.
Model(s) reviewed: Early Head Start—Home-based option
Peterson, C. A., Zhang, D., Flittner, A., Shelley, M. C., Doudna, K., Cohen, R. C., Aaron, L., & Fan, L. (2021). Estimating home visit activities: How much observation is enough? Child & Youth Care Forum, 5(1), 1–23. https://doi:10.1007/s10566-021-09618-0
Model(s) reviewed: Early Head Start—Home-based option
Peterson, C. A., Zhang, D., Roggman, L. A., Green, B. L., Chazan-Cohen, R., Atwater, J., McKelvey, L. & Korfmacher, J. (2013). Family participation and involvement in Early Head Start home visiting services: Relations with longitudinal outcomes. Washington, DC: Pew Center on the States.
Model(s) reviewed: Early Head Start—Home-based option
Peterson, C., A., Roggman, L., A., Green, B., Chazan-Cohen, R., Korfmacher, J., McKelvey, L., Zhang, D., & Atwater, J. B. (2013). Home visiting processes. Zero to Three, 33(3), 39-44.
Model(s) reviewed: Early Head Start—Home-based option
Peterson, C., Florence, C., Thomas, R., & Klevens, J. (2018). Cost-benefit analysis of two child abuse and neglect primary prevention programs for US states. Prevention Science, 19(6), 705–715.
Model(s) reviewed: Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP)®