Research database

Displaying 2451 - 2460 of 2490
Xia, S., Htet, Z., Porter, K., & McCormick, M. (2022). Exploring the value of predictive analytics for strengthening home visiting: Evidence from Child First. MDRC.
Model(s) reviewed: Child First
Rating: Not applicable (NA) - implementation study
Xu, H., & Wen, L. M. (2012). Screen time and physical activity of young children reflects their mother's behaviours: Findings from the Healthy Beginnings trial. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 36(4), 396.
Model(s) reviewed: Healthy Beginnings
Rating: Does not pass screens
Xu, H., Buchanan, L., Wang, Y., Phongsavan, P., Baur, L. A., & Wen, L. M. (2023). Associations of dietary and sedentary behaviours of pregnant women with their children's birth weight: Findings from the CHAT trial in Australia. Public Health Nutrition, 26(12) 2859–2867. doi:10.1017/S1368980023002161
Model(s) reviewed: Healthy Beginnings
Rating: Does not pass screens
Xu, H., Marshall, S., Jones, J. M., Phongsavan, P., & Wen, L. M. (2022). Modifiable predictors of breastfeeding status and duration at 6 and 12 months postpartum. Birth, 49(1), 97–106.
Model(s) reviewed: Healthy Beginnings
Rating: Does not pass screens
Xu, H., Wen, L. M., Rissel, C., Flood, V. M., & Baur, L. A. (2013). Parenting style and dietary behaviour of young children. Findings from the Healthy Beginnings trial. Appetite, 71, 171–177.
Model(s) reviewed: Healthy Beginnings
Rating: Does not pass screens
Xu, H., Wen, L., Ming, & Rissel, C. (2014). Associations of maternal influences with outdoor play and screen time of two-year-olds: Findings from the Healthy Beginnings trial. Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health, 50(9), 680–686.
Model(s) reviewed: Healthy Beginnings
Rating: Does not pass screens
Xu, H., Wen, L., Rissel, C., & Baur, L. (2013). Smoking status and factors associated with smoking of first-time mothers during pregnancy and postpartum: Findings from the Healthy Beginnings trial. Maternal & Child Health Journal, 17(6), 1151–1157.
Model(s) reviewed: Healthy Beginnings
Rating: Does not pass screens
Yaffe, D., & Williams, C. L. (1998). Why women chose to participate in a family literacy program and factors that contributed to the program’s success. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 42(1), 8.
Model(s) reviewed: Even Start-Home Visiting (Birth to Age 5)
Rating: Does not pass screens

Yagmur, S., Mesman, J., Malda, M., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M., & Ekmekci, H. (2014). Video-feedback intervention increases sensitive parenting in ethnic minority mothers: A randomized control trial. Attachment & Human Development, 16(4), 371-386. doi:10.1080/14616734.2014.912489

Model(s) reviewed: Video-Feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting–Sensitive Discipline® (VIPP–SD)
Rating: Low

Yarger, H. A. (2015). Investigating trajectories of change in Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up among high-risk mothers: A randomized clinical trial. Unpublished manuscript.

Model(s) reviewed: Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up (ABC) -Infant
Rating: Not applicable (NA) - additional source