Research database
Mauricio, A. M., Rudo–Stern, J., Dishion, T. J., Letham, K., & Lopez, M. (2019). Provider readiness and adaptations of competency drivers during scale–up of the Family Check–Up. The Journal of Primary Prevention, 40(1), 51–68.
Mauricio, A. M., Rudo–Stern, J., Dishion, T. J., Shaw, D. S., Gill, A. M., Lundgren, J. S., & Thunberg, J. (2018). Facilitators and barriers in cross–country transport of evidence–based preventive interventions: A case study using the Family Check–Up. Prevention Science, 1–11.
McAuley, C., Knapp, M., Beecham, J., McCurry, N., & Sleed, M. (2004). Young families under stress: Outcomes and costs of Home-Start support. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
McCann, D. C., Thompson, M., Daley, D., Barton, J., Laver-Bradbury, C., Hutchings, J., Coghill, D., Stanton, L., Maishman, T., Dixon, L., Caddy, J., Chorozoglou, M., Raftery, J., & Sonuga-Barke, E. (2014). Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial comparing the efficacy of a specialist and a generic parenting programme for the treatment of preschool ADHD. Trials, 15(1), 1–41. doi:10.1186/1745-6215-15-142