Manuscript Detail

Jones, E. J. H., Dawson, G., Kelly, J., Estes, A., & Jane Webb, S. (2017). Parent-delivered early intervention in infants at risk for ASD: Effects on electrophysiological and habituation measures of social attention. Autism Research, 10(5), 961-972.

Manuscript screening details
Screening decision Screening conclusion HomVEE procedures and standards version
Passes screens Eligible for review Version 2
Study design details
Rating Design Attrition Baseline equivalence Compromised randomization Confounding factors Valid, reliable measure(s)
Low Randomized controlled trial Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable


Measure validity and reliability is not assessed for findings that receive a low evidence rating; all findings in this manuscript rate low


There is a confounding factor in the study design: the intervention was delivered by a single individual. Therefore, it is impossible to separate the effects of the individual providing intervention services from the effects of the home visiting model.

Study Registration: Identifier: None found. Identifier: None found. Registry of Efficacy and Effectiveness Studies Identifier: None found. Study registration was assessed by HomVEE for beginning with the 2014 review, and for other registries beginning with the 2021 review.