Manuscript Detail

Matone, M., Kellom, K., Griffis, H., Quarshie, W., Faerber, J., Gierlach, P., Whittaker, J., Rubin, D. M., & Cronholm, P. F. (2018). A mixed methods evaluation of early childhood abuse prevention within evidence-based home visiting programs. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 22, 79-91.


Manuscript screening details
Screening decision Screening conclusion HomVEE procedures and standards version
Passes screens Eligible for review Version 2
Study design details
Rating Design Attrition Baseline equivalence Compromised randomization Confounding factors Valid, reliable measure(s)
Indeterminate Non-experimental comparison group design Not applicable


Not applicable




This manuscript received an indeterminate rating because HomVEE was unable to determine whether the intervention and comparison groups in the analyzed sample were equivalent at baseline on socioeconomic status. Manuscripts receive a rating of indeterminate whenever HomVEE reviewers lack sufficient information on one or more features of the study design that are required for the study to receive a rating of moderate or high. A rating of indeterminate is not a statement about the quality of the research or the research design.

Study Registration: Identifier: None found. Identifier: None found. Registry of Efficacy and Effectiveness Studies Identifier: None found. Study registration was assessed by HomVEE for beginning with the 2014 review, and for other registries beginning with the 2021 review.