Manuscript Details

Klinnert, M. D., Liu, A. H., Pearson, M. R., Ellison, M. C., Budhiraja, N., & Robinson, J. L. (2005). Short-term impact of a randomized multifaceted intervention for wheezing infants in low-income families. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 159(1), 75-82.

High rating
Study reviewed under: Handbook of Procedures and Standards, Version 1
Study design characteristics contributing to rating
Design Attrition Baseline equivalence Confounding factors? Valid, reliable measures?
Randomized controlled trial Low

Not applicable


Not assessed in manuscripts reviewed under Handbook of Procedures and Standards, Version 1
Notes from the review of this manuscript

High rating applies to most outcomes. Medical record outcomes receive a low rating because of high attrition and failure to demonstrate baseline equivalence.

Child Health
Outcome Measure Timing of Follow-Up Rating Direction of Effect Effect Size (Absolute Value) Stastical Significance Sample Size Sample Description
Cotinine level 12 months High
0.25 Not statistically significant, p = 0.28 130 children Denver, Colorado sample
Functional Severity Score 12 months High
Not Statistically significant, p = 0.60 150 children Denver, Colorado sample
Effect rating key
Favorable finding / Statistically significant
Unfavorable finding / Statistically significant
Ambiguous finding / Statistically significant
No effect / Not statistically significant
Maternal Health
Outcome Measure Timing of Follow-Up Rating Direction of Effect Effect Size (Absolute Value) Stastical Significance Sample Size Sample Description
Caregiver quality of life score 12 months High
Not statistically significant, p = 0.72 143 parents Denver, Colorado sample
Effect rating key
Favorable finding / Statistically significant
Unfavorable finding / Statistically significant
Ambiguous finding / Statistically significant
No effect / Not statistically significant
Positive Parenting Practices
Outcome Measure Timing of Follow-Up Rating Direction of Effect Effect Size (Absolute Value) Stastical Significance Sample Size Sample Description
HOME score 12 months High
Not statistically significant, p = 0.94 137 parents Denver, Colorado sample
Asthma knowledge score 12 months High
Statistically significant, p = 0.04 150 parents Denver, Colorado sample
Cat dander 12 months High
0.20 Not statistically significant, p = 0.25 140 parents Denver, Colorado sample
Cockroach allergen 12 months High
1.62 Statistically significant, p = 0.03 140 parents Denver, Colorado sample
Collaborative relationship score 12 months High
Statistically significant, p = 0.04 146 parents Denver, Colorado sample
Dog dander 12 months High
0.45 Not statistically significant, p = -.07 141 parents Denver, Colorado sample
Effect rating key
Favorable finding / Statistically significant
Unfavorable finding / Statistically significant
Ambiguous finding / Statistically significant
No effect / Not statistically significant

This study included participants with the following characteristics at enrollment:


The race and ethnicity categories may sum to more than 100 percent if Hispanic ethnicity was reported separately or respondents could select two or more race or ethnicity categories.

Black or African American
Hispanic or Latino
Some other race

Maternal Education

Less than a high school diploma

Other Characteristics

Data not available

This study included participants from the following locations:

  • Colorado
Study Participants

Participants (infants and their families) were recruited from local hospitals and clinics in the Denver, Colorado, area and assigned randomly to either the intervention or the comparison group. Initially 181 infants were randomly assigned, 90 to the treatment group and 91 to the comparison group. At baseline, the study groups were split among European Americans (22 percent treatment, 21 percent control), African American (23 percent treatment, 22 percent control), U.S.-born Hispanic (33 percent treatment, 31 percent control) and foreign-born Hispanic (22 percent treatment, 20 percent control). Approximately half of each group had incomes less than $12,000 per year. Participants were followed for one year after baseline data were collected.


The study was conducted in Denver, Colorado.

Comparison Conditions

Comparison group members received an educational video at the baseline interview that described risk factors for developing asthma and actions that caregivers can take to mediate the risks.

Author Affiliation

Mary D. Klinnert, a study author, is a developer of this model.

Funding Sources

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; National Institute of Health/National Center for Research Resources.