Manuscript Details

Raikes, H., Jones Harden, B., Chazan-Cohen, R., Nord, J., Deming, J., Esteraich, J., & Drouin Duncan, A. (2018). Early Steps to School Success program evaluation: A rural community-wide approach. Unpublished manuscript submitted to HomVEE in January 2019.

Low rating
Study reviewed under: Handbook of Procedures and Standards, Version 1
Study Design
Design Attrition Baseline equivalence Confounding factors Valid, reliable measures?
Non-experimental comparison group design Not applicable

Not established on race/ethnicity, SES, or baseline measures of the outcome


Not assessed in manuscripts reviewed under Handbook of Procedures and Standards, Version 1

The study authors indicated that they used a regression discontinuity design to measure impacts. According to the What Works Clearinghouse standards that HomVEE relies on for rating this type of design, the study must have at least four unique values of the assignment variable above the cutoff and at least four unique values below the cutoff. This study does not meet that requirement. Therefore, HomVEE reviewed this study using standards for a quasi-experimental design.

Findings that rate moderate or high in this manuscript

No findings found that rate moderate or high.

This study included participants with the following characteristics at enrollment:


Data not available

Maternal Education

Data not available

Other Characteristics

Data not available