Research Database

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Intervention delivered in non-English language

Displaying 1 - 10 of 127
Pfannenstiel, J. C., Lambson, T., & Yarnell, V. (1996). The Parents as Teachers program: Longitudinal follow-up to the second wave study. Report prepared for the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Parents as Teachers National Center. Overland Park, KS: Research & Training Associates.

Model(s) Reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®

Wagner, M., & McElroy, M. (1992). Home, the first  classroom: A pilot evaluation of the northern California Parents as Teachers project. Report prepared for the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International.

Model(s) Reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®

Wheeler, W. H. (1994). A study of the Missouri Parents as Teachers program and its effect on the readiness skills of children entering kindergarten in southwest Missouri public schools. Blue Eye, MO: Blue Eye School District.

Model(s) Reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®

Winter, M. (1999). Parents as teachers. Future of Children, 9(1), 179-181.

Model(s) Reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®

O’Brien, T., Garnett, D. M., & Proctor, K. (2002). Report:  Impact of the Parents as Teachers program. Canon City, CO (Fremont County) school year 1999-2000. Unpublished manuscript.

Model(s) Reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®

Farquhar, S. (2002). An evaluation of Parents as First teachers programme. Report No 1. Wellington, New Zealand: Early Childhood Development Unit.

Model(s) Reviewed: Parents as First Teachers (New Zealand)

Wagner, M., Spiker, D., Gerlach-Downie, S., & Hernandez, F. (2000). Parental engagement in home visiting programs--findings from the Parents as Teachers multisite evaluation. Menlo Park, CA.: SRI International.

Model(s) Reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®

Coleman, M., Rowland, B., & Hutchens, B. (1997, November). Parents as teachers: Policy implications for early school intervention. Paper presented at the annual conference of the NFCR Fatherhood and Motherhood in a Diverse and Changing World, Arlington, VA.

Model(s) Reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®

Pfannenstiel, J., Lambson, & T., Yarnell, V., (1991). Second wave study of the Parents as Teachers program: Executive summary. Overland Park, Kan.: Research & Training Associates.

Model(s) Reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®

Baltimore County Public Schools. (1992). Parents as Teachers project: Learning styles. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education.

Model(s) Reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®