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Displaying 751 - 760 of 2489

Kauffman, F. G. (2002). Preventing child abuse and neglect in Arizona: Perceptions of the HomeBuilders’ model. (Arizona State University; 0010). Dissertation Abstracts International, 63 (04A), 142-1558. (AAI3045650)

Model(s) Reviewed: HOMEBUILDERS (Birth to Age 5)®

Harvan, J. S. H. (2001). The relationship between child, family, and treatment variables and family functioning in abusive and neglectful families. (University of Georgia; 0077 Advisor: Director Kevin DeWeaver). Dissertation Abstracts International, 62 (09A), 365-3187. (AAI3025306)

Model(s) Reviewed: HOMEBUILDERS (Birth to Age 5)®

Walton, E. (1991). The reunification of children with their families: A test of intensive family treatment following out-of-home placement (family reunification, foster care). (University of Utah; 0240 Advisor: Chair: Mark W. Fraser). Dissertation Abstracts International, 52 (06A), 260-2289. (AAG9133658)

Model(s) Reviewed: HOMEBUILDERS (Birth to Age 5)®

Kirk, R. S., & Griffith, D. P. (2004). Intensive family preservation services: Demonstrating placement prevention using event history analysis. Social Work Research, 28(1), 5.

Model(s) Reviewed: HOMEBUILDERS (Birth to Age 5)®

Kirk, R. S., & Griffith, D. P. (2008). Impact of intensive family preservation services on disproportionality of out-of-home placement of children of color in one state’s child welfare system. Child Welfare: Journal of Policy, Practice, and Program, 87(5), 87–105.

Model(s) Reviewed: HOMEBUILDERS (Birth to Age 5)®

Helming, E. (1999). Assistance for families in crisis situations - from the home builders model to the families-first program and family activation concepts in germany. Zeitschrift Fur Padagogik, 39 (supplement), 153-168.

Model(s) Reviewed: HOMEBUILDERS (Birth to Age 5)®

Lewis, R. E. (1994). Application and adaptation of intensive family preservation services to use for  the reunification of foster-children with their biological parents. Children and Youth Services Review, 16(5-6), 339-361.

Model(s) Reviewed: HOMEBUILDERS (Birth to Age 5)®

Walton, E. (2001). Combining abuse and neglect investigations with intensive family preservation services: An innovative approach to protecting children. Research on Social Work Practice, 11(6), 627-644.

Model(s) Reviewed: HOMEBUILDERS (Birth to Age 5)®

Hayward, K., & Cameron, G. Focusing intensive family preservation services: Patterns and consequences. Child & Youth Care Forum, 31(5), 347-362.

Model(s) Reviewed: HOMEBUILDERS (Birth to Age 5)®

Wells, K., & Wittington, D. Child and family functioning after intensive family preservation services. Social Service Review, 67(1), 55-83.

Model(s) Reviewed: HOMEBUILDERS (Birth to Age 5)®