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Displaying 1771 - 1780 of 2489, sorted alphabetically Export list of citations

Pfannenstiel J., & Gebhardt M. (2017). Improving education outcomes for American Indian Children: Community and family influences on rural student academic success. In G. Nugent, G. Kunz, S. Sheridan,, T. Glover, and L. Knoche (Eds.), Rural Education Research in the United States. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Model(s) Reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®

Pfannenstiel, J. C., Lambson, T., & Yarnell, V. (1996). The Parents as Teachers program: Longitudinal follow-up to the second wave study. Report prepared for the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Parents as Teachers National Center. Overland Park, KS: Research & Training Associates.

Model(s) Reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®

Pfannenstiel, J., Lambson, & T., Yarnell, V., (1991). Second wave study of the Parents as Teachers program: Executive summary. Overland Park, Kan.: Research & Training Associates.

Model(s) Reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®

Pfannenstiel, J., & Lente-Jojola, D. (2011). The Family and Child Education (FACE) program and school readiness: A structural model approach in an American Indian reservation context. Journal of American Indian Education, 50(2), 84–96.

Model(s) Reviewed: Baby FACE, an adaptation of Parents as Teachers

Pfannenstiel, J. C., Seitz, V., & Zigler, E. (2002). Promoting school readiness: The role of the Parents as Teachers program. NHSA Dialog: A Research-to-Practice Journal for the Early Intervention Field, 6(1), 71–86.

Model(s) Reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®

Pfannenstiel, J. C., & Seltzer, D. A. (1985). New Parents as Teachers project: Evaluation report. Jefferson City, MO: Missouri State Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Model(s) Reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®

Pfannenstiel, J. C., & Seltzer, D. A. (1989). New Parents as Teachers: Evaluation of an early parent education program. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 4(1), 1–18.

Model(s) Reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®

Pfannenstiel, J., Yarnell, V., & Seltzer, D. (2006). Family and Child Education program (FACE): Impact study report. Overland Park, KS: Research & Training Associates, Inc.

Model(s) Reviewed: Baby FACE, an adaptation of Parents as Teachers

Pfefferle, S. G., Cooper, B., Layton, D., & Rohrbach, S. (2009). Early collaboration for adaptation: Addressing depression in low-income new mothers. Journal of Health Care for the Poor & Underserved, 20(2), 539–544.

Model(s) Reviewed: Nurses for Newborns®

PFL Evaluation Team at the UCD Geary Institute. (2012). Preparing For Life early childhood intervention: Assessing the impact of Preparing For Life at six months [Study 2: Non-experimental design]. Dublin, Ireland: UCD Geary Institute. 

Model(s) Reviewed: Preparing for Life—Home Visiting