Research Manuscript Database
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Crusto, C. A., Lowell, D., Paulicin, B., Reynolds, J., Feinn, R., Friedman, S. R., & Kaufman, J. S. (2008). Evaluation of a wraparound process for children exposed to family violence. Best Practices in Mental Health, 4(1), 1-18.
Model(s) Reviewed: Child First
Crusto, C. A., Whitson, M. L., Feinn, R., Gargiulo, J., Holt, C., Paulicin, B., Simmons, W., & Lowell, D. I. (2013). Evaluation of a mental health consultation intervention in preschool settings. Journal of Infant Mental Health, 9(2), 1–21.…
Model(s) Reviewed: Child First
Ferguson, D., Smith, S., Granja, M., Nguyen, U., Burstein, J., Atkins, N., & Lasala, O. (2023). Promoting infant-early childhood and parent mental health in home visiting program serving diverse families: Promising strategies to support child and family well-being. National Center for Children in Poverty.
Model(s) Reviewed: Child First
Hefyan, M., Goldberg, M., & Swinth, E. (2023). Changes in home visiting since the start of the pandemic: Lessons from the Child First Program. MDRC.…
Model(s) Reviewed: Child First
Iruka, I. U., Brown, D., Jerald, J., & Blitch, K. (2018). Early Steps to School Success (ESSS): Examining pathways linking home visiting and language outcomes. Child & Youth Care Forum, 47(2), 283–301.
Model(s) Reviewed: Early Steps to School Success™-Home Visiting
Lowell, D. I., Carter, A. S., Godoy, L., Paulicin, B., & Briggs‐Gowan, M. J. (2011). A randomized controlled trial of Child FIRST: A comprehensive home‐based intervention translating research into early childhood practice. Child development, 82(1), 193-208.
Model(s) Reviewed: Child First
Murphy, F., & Mendez, M. (2014). Ghosts, angels, and sharks: One family's story of healing and growth. Zero to Three, 34(6), 20–24.
Model(s) Reviewed: Child First
Raikes, H., Chazan-Cohen, R., & Jones Harden, B. (2018). Early Steps to School Success: Summary of preliminary evaluation results, January 2018. Report submitted to HomVEE in January 2018.
Model(s) Reviewed: Early Steps to School Success™-Home Visiting
Raikes, H., Jones Harden, B., Chazan-Cohen, R., Nord, J., Deming, J., Esteraich, J., & Drouin Duncan, A. (2018). Early Steps to School Success program evaluation: A rural community-wide approach. Unpublished manuscript submitted to HomVEE in January 2019.
Model(s) Reviewed: Early Steps to School Success™-Home Visiting
Xia, S., Hefyan, M., McCormick, M. P., Goldberg, M., Swinth, E., & Huang, S. (2023). Impacts of home visiting during the pandemic: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial of Child First (Working paper). MDRC.
Model(s) Reviewed: Child First