Research Database


Manuscripts with subgroup findings

Intervention delivered in non-English language

Displaying 201 - 210 of 322
Kamp-Becker, I., Becker, K., & Petermann, U. (2014). Elternarbeit und elterntraining. Kindheit und Entwicklung.

Model(s) Reviewed: Triple P - Positive Parenting Program®—Variants suitable for home visiting

Kamp-Becker, I., Becker, K., & Petermann, U. (2015). Elternarbeit und elterntraining. Kindheit und Entwicklung: Zeitschrift fur Klinische Kinderpsychologie, 24(1), 1–5.

Model(s) Reviewed: Triple P - Positive Parenting Program®—Variants suitable for home visiting

Kleefman, M., Jansen, D. E., Stewart, R. E., & Reijneveld, S. A. (2014). The effectiveness of Stepping Stones Triple P parenting support in parents of children with borderline to mild intellectual disability and psychosocial problems: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Medicine, 12(1), 191.

Model(s) Reviewed: Triple P - Positive Parenting Program®—Variants suitable for home visiting

Kliem, S., Aurin, S. S., & Kroeger, C. (2014). Zur Wirksamkeit des adoleszenzspezifischen Elterntrainings Group Teen Triple P [Efficacy of a positive parenting program for parents of teenagers: A randomized controlled trial]. Kindheit und Entwicklung, 23(3), 184–193.

Model(s) Reviewed: Triple P - Positive Parenting Program®—Variants suitable for home visiting

Kliem, S., Foran, H., & Hahlweg, K. (2015). Lässt sich körperliche Bestrafung durch ein Elterntraining reduzieren? Ergebnisse einer 3-Jahres-Längsschnittuntersuchung [Can corporal punishment be reduced by parent training? Results of a 3-year longitudinal study]. Kindheit und Entwicklung, 24(1), 37–46.

Model(s) Reviewed: Triple P - Positive Parenting Program®—Variants suitable for home visiting

Kliem, S., Aurin, S. S., & Kröger, C. (2014). Zur Wirksamkeit des adoleszenzspezifischen Elterntrainings Group Teen Triple P [Efficacy of a positive parenting program for parents of teenagers: A randomized controlled trial]. Kindheit und Entwicklung, 23(3), 184–193.

Model(s) Reviewed: Triple P - Positive Parenting Program®—Variants suitable for home visiting

Kohl, P. L., & Seay, K. D. (2015). Engaging African American fathers in behavioral parent training: To adapt or not adapt. Best Practices in Mental Health, 11(1), 54.

Model(s) Reviewed: Triple P - Positive Parenting Program®—Variants suitable for home visiting

Kuschel, A., Granic, M., Hahlweg, K., & Hartung, D. (2016). «Nicht von schlechten Eltern!» Effekte einer therapieintegrierten Familienintervention [Children of mentally ill parents. Effects of a therapy-integrated family intervention]. Verhaltenstherapie, 26(2), 83–91.

Model(s) Reviewed: Triple P - Positive Parenting Program®—Variants suitable for home visiting

Lewis, E. M., Feely, M., Seay, K. D., Fedoravicis, N., & Kohl, P. L. (2016). Child welfare involved parents and Pathways Triple P: Perceptions of program acceptability and appropriateness. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25(12), 3760–3770.

Model(s) Reviewed: Triple P - Positive Parenting Program®—Variants suitable for home visiting

Ionutiu, R. D. (2016). The effectiveness of a positive parenting program-results of a preliminary study in a Romanian sample. Cognitie, Creier, Comportament, 20(3).

Model(s) Reviewed: Triple P - Positive Parenting Program®—Variants suitable for home visiting