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Displaying 1351 - 1360 of 2489

Barnet, B., Rapp, T., DeVoe, M., & Mullins, C. D. (2010). Cost-effectiveness of a motivational intervention to reduce rapid repeated childbearing in high-risk adolescent mothers: A rebirth of economic and policy considerations. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 164(4), 370-376.

Model(s) Reviewed: Computer-Assisted Motivational Intervention plus enhanced home visiting (CAMI+), Computer-Assisted Motivational Intervention (CAMI)

Love, J., Kisker, E., Ross, C. M., Schochet, P. Z., Brooks-Gunn, J., Paulsell, D., et al. (2002). Making a difference in the lives of infants and toddlers and their families: The impacts of Early Head Start. Volumes I-III: Final technical report [and] appendixes [and] local contributions to understanding the programs and their impacts. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Head Start Bureau.

Model(s) Reviewed: Early Head Start—Home-based option

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families. (2006). Early Head Start Home Based Services. Early Head Start research and evaluation project (EHSRE). Retrieved November 11,  2009, from…

Model(s) Reviewed: Early Head Start—Home-based option

Jones Harden, B., Chazan-Cohen, R., Raikes, H., & Vogel, C. (2012). Early Head Start home visitation: The role of implementation in bolstering program benefits. Journal of Community Psychology, 40(4), 438-455.

Model(s) Reviewed: Early Head Start—Home-based option

Buzhardt, J., Greenwood, C. R., Walker, D., Anderson, R., Howard, W., & Carta, J. J. (2011). Effects of web-based support on Early Head Start home visitors’ use of evidence-based intervention decision making and growth in children’s expressive communication. NHSA Dialog: A Research-to-Practice Journal for the Early Childhood Field, 14(3) 121-146.

Model(s) Reviewed: Early Head Start—Home-based option

Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., Grant, H., & Ridder, E. M. (2005). Early start evaluation report. Christchurch, NZ: Early Start Project Ltd.

Model(s) Reviewed: Early Start (New Zealand)

Karther, D. E. (1995). Even Start parents’ practices and views of literacy with preschool-aged children. (West Virginia University; 0256 Advisor: Chairperson Joy Saab). Dissertation Abstracts International, 57 (06A), 248-2352. (AAI9635105)

Model(s) Reviewed: Even Start-Home Visiting (Birth to Age 5)

Leijten, P., Shaw, D. S., Gardner, F., Wilson, M. N., Matthys, W., & Dishion, T. J. (2015). The family check-up and service use in high-risk families of young children: A prevention strategy with a bridge to community-based treatment. Prevention Science, 16(3), 397–406.

Model(s) Reviewed: Family Check-Up® For Children

Smith, J. D., Montaño, Z., Dishion, T. J., Shaw, D. S., & Wilson, M. N. (2015). Preventing weight gain and obesity: Indirect effects of the family check-up in early childhood. Prevention Science, 16(3), 408–419.

Model(s) Reviewed: Family Check-Up® For Children

Dodge, K. A., Goodman, W. B., Murphy, R. A., O’Donnell, K., Sato, J., & Guptill, S. (2014). Implementation and randomized controlled trial evaluation of universal postnatal nurse home visiting. American Journal of Public Health, 104(S1), S136–S143.

Model(s) Reviewed: Family Connects