Parents as Teachers (PAT)® Meets HHS Criteria

Model effectiveness research report last updated: 2019

Effects shown in research

Reductions in child maltreatment

Findings rated high

Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
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Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance Notes
Child treated for injury in the past year
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
2 year Northern California sample 365 children % = 12.00 % = 14.90 = -2.90 Study reported = -0.08 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Child treated for injury in the past year
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
3 year Northern California sample 352 children % = 8.10 % = 11.90 = -3.80 Study reported = -0.12 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
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In contrast to the study-reported results, HomVEE calculations showed this difference to be statistically significant (p ≤ 0.05). The HomVEE tests of statistical significance are based on the HomVEE calculated effect sizes, whereas authors may have used other techniques to determine statistical significance, such as regression models or analyses of variance (ANOVA).

Findings rated moderate

Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Show findings details
Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance
Abuse and/or Neglect-DSS and School Records, Confirmed Cases 1987-1992
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
4-5 years Binghamton, NY 40 children Unadjusted mean = 0.25 Unadjusted mean = 0.25 Mean difference = 0.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.00 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Show findings details
Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance Notes
Child treated for injury in the past year
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
2 year Three-site sample 265 children % = 5.50 % = 11.00 = -5.50 Study reported = -0.20 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
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In contrast to the study-reported results, HomVEE calculations showed this difference to be statistically significant (p ≤ 0.05). The HomVEE tests of statistical significance are based on the HomVEE calculated effect sizes, whereas authors may have used other techniques to determine statistical significance, such as regression models or analyses of variance (ANOVA).

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