Research Manuscript Database
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Kuo, S. I., Salvatore, J. E., Aliev, F., Ha, T., Dishion, T. J., & Dick, D. M. (2019). The Family Check–Up intervention moderates polygenic influences on long–term alcohol outcomes: Results from a randomized intervention trial. Prevention Science, 20(7), 975–985.
Model(s) Reviewed: Family Check-Up® For Children
Kurth, E., Krähenbühl, K., Eicher, M., Rodmann, S., Fölmli, L., Conzelmann, C., & Zemp, E. (2016). Safe start at home: What parents of newborns need after early discharge from hospital—a focus group study. BMC Health Services Research, 16(1), 1–14.
Model(s) Reviewed: SafeCare®
Kurtz, V., Brand, T., Maier-Pfeiffer, A., Hartmann, S., & Jungmann, T. (2012). Implementing early childhood interventions for families with and without an immigrant background: Results of the pilot project "Pro Kind." Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung, 7(2), 135–141.
Model(s) Reviewed: Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP)®
Kuschel, A., Granic, M., Hahlweg, K., & Hartung, D. (2016). «Nicht von schlechten Eltern!» Effekte einer therapieintegrierten Familienintervention [Children of mentally ill parents. Effects of a therapy-integrated family intervention]. Verhaltenstherapie, 26(2), 83–91.
Model(s) Reviewed: Triple P - Positive Parenting Program®—Variants suitable for home visiting
Kyzer, A., Whiteside-Mansell, L., McKelvey, L., & Swindle, T. (2016). Supporting family engagement in home visiting with the Family Map Inventories. Infants & Young Children, 29(1), 37–52.
Model(s) Reviewed: Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY)®
Lahti, M., Evans, C.B.R., Goodman, G., Cranwell Schmidt, M., & LeCroy, C.W. (2019). Parents as Teachers (PAT) home-visiting intervention: A path to improved academic outcomes, school behavior, and parenting skills. Children and Youth Services Review, 99, 451–460.
Model(s) Reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Lambarth, C. H., & Green, B. L. (2019). Exploring a model for infant and early childhood mental health consultation in early childhood home visiting. Infant Mental Health Journal, 40(6), 874–888.
Model(s) Reviewed: Healthy Families America (HFA)®
Lambert, K. D. (2011). Violence, depression, parental stress, and child neglect among high risk postpartum women. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 71(7-B), 4173.
Model(s) Reviewed: Healthy Families America (HFA)®
LaMendola, W., & Krysik, J. (2008). Design imperatives to enhance evidence-based interventions with persuasive technology: A case scenario in preventing child maltreatment. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 26(2), 397–422.
Model(s) Reviewed: Healthy Families America (HFA)®
Lancaster, S. (2004). Minding the Baby: Psychology and infant mental health. Clinical Psychologist, 8(1), 2-4.
Model(s) Reviewed: Minding the Baby® Home Visiting (MTB-HV)