Research database

Displaying 2311 - 2320 of 2490
Wagner, M. & Clayton, S. (1999). The Parents as Teachers program: Results from two demonstrations. The Future of Children, 9(1), 91-115.
Model(s) reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Rating: Not applicable (NA) - additional source
Wagner, M. (2001). The multisite evaluation of the Parents as Teachers home visiting program. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International.
Model(s) reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Rating: Not applicable (NA) - additional source
Wagner, M., & McElroy, M. (1992). Home, the first  classroom: A pilot evaluation of the northern California Parents as Teachers project. Report prepared for the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International.
Model(s) reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Rating: Does not pass screens

Wagner, M., & Spiker, D. (2001). Experiences and outcomes for children and families: Multisite Parents as Teachers evaluation. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International.

Model(s) reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Rating: Moderate

Wagner, M., Cameto, R., & Gerlach-Downie, S. (1996). Intervention in support of adolescent parents and their children: A final report on the Teen Parents as Teachers Demonstration. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International.

Model(s) reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Rating: Moderate

Wagner, M., Clayton, S., Gerlach-Downie, S., & McElroy, M. (1999). An evaluation of the northern California Parents as Teachers demonstration. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International.

Model(s) reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Rating: High
Wagner, M., Lida, E., & Spiker, D. (2001). The multisite evaluation of the Parents as Teachers home visiting program: Three-year findings from one community. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International.
Model(s) reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Rating: Low
Wagner, M., Spiker, D., & Linn, M. I. (2002). The effectiveness of the Parents as Teachers program with low-income parents and children. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 22(2), 67–81.
Model(s) reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Rating: Not applicable (NA) - additional source
Wagner, M., Spiker, D., Gerlach-Downie, S., & Hernandez, F. (2000). Parental engagement in home visiting programs--findings from the Parents as Teachers multisite evaluation. Menlo Park, CA.: SRI International.
Model(s) reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Rating: Not applicable (NA) - implementation study
Wagner, M., Spiker, D., Linn, M. I., Gerlach-Downie, S., & Hernandez, F. (2003). Dimensions of parental engagement in home visiting programs: Exploratory study. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 23(4), 171-187.
Model(s) reviewed: Parents as Teachers (PAT)®
Rating: Does not pass screens